The Building Blocks of Health.At Mossy Creek Fitness, we have adopted the mindset that being healthy involves significantly more than just getting to the gym a few days a week. In fact, we believe that there are elements to your health that even come before exercise and fitness.
We don't want to overwhelm anyone with massive amounts of information here; so, we'll just touch very briefly on all five below.
Eat: You've heard it before - you can't out-train a bad diet. It's cliché, but it's also true. Your nutrition is the base of your health pyramid, and we encourage you to become educated on the types of food you're eating and how they're affecting your health systems long-term. Nutrition is a really daunting subject, and it takes understanding a lot of different parts to be able to wrap your mind around the complexities of food and how our bodies respond to it. My encouragement is that you simplify it as much as possible. Don't worry about all the complicated stuff, and start by eating real food and not too much of it. Avoid all the processed fast food. Avoid the food that won't go bad if you leave it on a shelf for 5 years. An easy switch for your grocery list is simply to trade your canned vegetables for frozen vegetables. After you focus on the quality of your food, focus on the quantity. Don't eat too much, and control your intake to a responsible level. Sleep: In our culture it's almost become a badge of honor to be the person that can operate on very little sleep. You'll hear of people who work 2nd and 3rd shifts take pride in how they can function on only a few hours of sleep each day. You can observe the majority of college students pretend like they're still emotionally stable after going two days with no sleep just so they can get their homework done AND still have time to watch Netflix. I was, and in many ways still am, the kind of person who does this. It's bad, and it's something we have to take control of if we truly want to be healthy. Among the many health benefits of good sleeping habits, it's one of the primary things that will help you get the results you're wanting from exercise. If you want to look lean and fit, sleep more and find 8 hours to sleep between 10:00pm and 8:00am. Train: By training, we mean exercise. By exercise we mean actual exercise aimed at burning fat, building lean muscle, and developing functional abilities that help you move well late into your life. Exercise should always involve some element of intensity, and that intensity must be relative (or scaled) to the individual. All the good stuff you want out of exercise is on the other side of intensity. If you want to feel better, breathe better, look better, and live better - then get off the cable resistance machines, get off the treadmills, step away from the bicep curl station, and start an exercise program that's focused on functional intensity. Think: Our health is much more than just physical. We should be sharpening our minds as well as training our bodies. We all learn in different ways, our emphasis on "thinking" is simply us encouraging you to learn something new in whatever way works for you. Whether it's reading biographies of people who inspire you, listening to podcasts, studying articles, or even determining to continue your education in some capacity - thinking is something we are always doing, so find ways to make it productive. Connect: This is one I'm particularly passionate about. In life, we are created to engage with each other. If we were meant to be alone, we wouldn't be surrounded by literally billions of people. Connecting with people who are like you and with people who are nothing like you is a way to become a more holistically healthy person. I don't mean surface level interactions that involve a "How are you?" followed by some mumbling and a thumbs up. I mean connecting in a true, authentic sense. The healthiest and happiest people are those who truly know others and are known by others. A true measure of health is that you're able to share that health with other people. Our aim is to coach people to becoming the most effective and thriving versions of themselves. These are the ways we believe that happens and we're here to help you focus on all these factors.
Mossy Creek Fitness Community, Thank you again for being a part of our first 5 months as a gym. We want to take some things from these first few months, learn from them, and make a few changes so things will be even better in 2019. Here's what's coming up in 2019: SCHEDULE CHANGE CROSSFIT: Monday - Thursday: 6:30am, 8:00am, 12:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm Friday: 6:30am, 8:00am, 12:00pm, 5:30pm Saturday: 10:00am B | X: Monday - Thursday: 5:30am, 8:00am, 4:30pm, 6:30pm. Friday: 5:30am, 8:00am, 4:30pm Saturday: 10:00am Yoga: Monday & Wednesday: 5:30pm Saturday: 11:00am Open Gym: Monday - Thursday: 9:00am-4:30pm / 7:30pm-10:00pm. Friday: 9:00am-8:00pm Saturday: 10:00am-3:00pm The 9:00am and 7:30pm CrossFit classes will be discontinued. During the 8:00am and 6:30pm classes we will be running CrossFit and B | X at the same time. We have restructured things in the gym to be able to accommodate larger classes and dual classes. SUPPLEMENTS AVAILABLE We have become sponsored partners with the company FNX (Phoenix). Due to that partnership we are able to offer their products to our members at a 15% discount. We will be creating a space in the foyer to keep a stock of supplements for purchase. You will also be able to place an order for any of their products and supplements that are not stocked in the gym. You'll be able to order any time, and we'll place those orders with FNX every Friday. We will also be selling single servings of FNX protein shakes for you to be able to purchase after your workouts! We believe in FNX as a company and in each of their products. Visit their website at to check out what they have to offer. Again, we'll be able to offer you a 15% discount on all items. NUTRITION Our Nutrition coaching program is up and running! We are offering a New Year promo during the month of January that will allow you to sign up for Nutrition coaching for only $45mo (usually $65mo). Learn more about the Precision Nutrition program by visiting our website. Nutrition is the base of your health and wellness, and we've done our best to create an affordable and sustainable service that will help you learn what it means to have "good nutrition" personalized to your life. We strongly encourage you to sign up for the program and commit to it! REHAB / THERAPY We're not quite ready to reveal all the details yet, but we've nearly completed construction on space within the gym to offer rehab, therapy, mobility, chiropractic, and massage services. We're developing qualified, trusted, and professional partners for each of these areas and intend to be able to offer these services in-house to our members as well as to non-members. Stay tuned for more information! KID'S AREA The long-awaited kid's room is nearly ready for use. With the construction of our therapy room nearly complete, we're able to move forward on finishing up the kid's area. Once completed, this room will be available throughout the day for our gym kid's use. In addition to that, we will have certain hours where child-care is also offered. COMPETITIONS CROSSFIT OPEN: The CrossFit Open, an online competition organized by CF Headquarters will begin the end of February and continue for 5 weeks. We will participate in these weekly competition workouts as a gym. Like always, all the workouts can be scaled and modified to each individuals’ level. This is going to be an awesome time to connect as a community and encourage one another. TYLER'S VOICE: On April 27th, we will be hosting an individuals competition. There will be RX and Scaled divisions available. Stay tuned for more information about this competition. That's a lot of information, but we want to be sure to communicate clearly as we begin the new year. We are all truly grateful you've chosen to trust us with playing a part in your health and fitness journey. We want to do our best to make sure your hour in the gym is the best hour of your day! In 2019, let's keep moving forward! Scooter & Kelly, Jamison & Lesley, Jonathan & Lisa, & Matt. |
AuthorJamison Price - Owner and Coach Archives
September 2021