The 2022 CrossFit Open has come to a close and it's time to give you guys a shoutout.For 3 Friday nights you all came together to suffer, support, and celebrate. When we talk about suffering together it does admittedly sound a bit weird. Yet, it's the common ground we stand on when we come together for a CrossFit class. The CrossFit methodology, and certainly the CrossFit Open specifically, doesn't reward you based on your past accomplishments and capabilities. It isn't more kind based on anything connected to your personality. It especially is indifferent your socio-economic status or what you've earned outside of the gym. The ground is level in the CrossFit gym and it's an incredible thing to witness. So while suffering may sound weird, it's also kind of the point. Suffering, struggle, and pain are all part of the price you pay for growth. I was recently in a conversation with a friend who was making fun of the idea of doing "hard things", he was discrediting the concept that we should welcome suffering. Of course a life full of comfort is more attractive, so I could understand where he was coming from. However, comfort is synonymous with complacency. And you, my friends are not those kinds of people. The reason I point this specific concept out right now is because it took courage to accept the challenge and discomfort that came with participating in the CrossFit Open.
So I just wanted to take a second to encourage you and celebrate you for completing the CrossFit Open, for doing hard things, for choosing discomfort, and for showing up for one another. No matter the results, we celebrate your effort. We are excited to keep showing up to classes day-after-day with you guys and then, once a year, we'll come together to throw-down under the Friday Night Lights and experience some of that "Open magic" that had you all doing things you didn't think were possible. Remember, you are doing things now you only wished you could do before...think about how that process can translate to all the other beliefs you have holding you back. Imagine the future. Here are a few specific shout-outs! Sorry for any of those that we may have missed. If you've got a cool shout-out or story from The Open please share it with us. Tanya Strickland - Strung together 5 double-unders for the first time! Audrey Johnson and Tanzi Farrow - First chest to bar pull ups! Lexi Cottingham and Aggie Cornett - First pull up! Fred Myers, Evan McNair, Caryn Downing, Danielle Scheel, LeAnne Briggs - First CrossFit Open Doug Dibb - Crushed wall walks this year having struggled with them heavily in last year's CrossFit Open. Finished top 30 in his division! Connor Price - First Bar Muscle Up! Always Forward, Jp & the team.
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Phil & Jamison talk about the traction method and a few simple practices for making progress.